Måns Jacobsson

1 week to dealine

Today marks the 1 week mark for the deadline of our project for the 2024 IEEE Student Design Contest. With a lot still to be done it is going to be a hectic week trying to get everything done in time. But with a lot of progress last week I am confident that we will get it done.

Ericsson Research Grant

Today I learned that I am one of the recipients of the Ericsson Research Grant. The grant is suppose to help was awarded to help us fund our tri to Florence, Italy for the 2024 IEEE Student Design Contest where we will be presenting the PICC device.

Måns Jacobsson

2024 IEEE AP-S Student Design Contest

Today we got the exciting new that we are 1 of the 6 finalist teams in the 2024 IEEE Student Design Contest. This mean that we get funding to build our project and travel to Florence, Italy this coming summer to present our project and compete against the other teams. If you want to learn more about our project and follow our building process, you can visit our website at https://picc-group.github.io/index.html.

Måns Jacobsson

First blog post

On this blog I will from time to time share updates concerning both my studies, work and personal life.